Member of the Year and More
One of the things that gives me a lot of personal satisfaction is the reward of giving back through my volunteer work with the Crooked Creek Art League. Based out of Crooked Creek Park, literally only about five miles from our home, this venerable art league does a lot to serve local artists and to encourage and enhance art in our community. I am happy to share that at our monthly members meeting this week, through nomination and election by fellow league members, I was named the Outstanding Member of the Year for the 2019-20 season.
I admit, I do a lot for the league, but so do many others. I’m very happy to receive the recognition and award but must admit that the ongoing pleasure of serving the league is a reward all on its own for me too. I encourage everyone who has an interest in the arts to consider attending a meeting and joining the league!
In other art news…
My latest painting is now online!
Grady is a much loved dog. He’s the darling of his mother’s eye and he certainly loves her. It was an honor to do this pet portrait for a dear friend. She taught me Pinochle many years ago! She’s since moved away from Columbia and Grady has become a cross country dog, splitting his time between sunny South Carolina and frigid Fargo, North Dakota. It seems he happily takes it all in stride. I love the way dogs just give a virtual shoulder shrug and go with the flow in life. A great lesson for us all!
Please feel free to share this with anyone you think might enjoy this message or my art!